DareingArms LLC
We are a disabled veteran owned, custom small arms manufacturing operatio that can create most anything you want from the ground up. DareingArms LLC Founder Bruce Dareing possesses both a lifetime of weapons experience and a background in precision manufacturing. Based out of Denton, Tx off of East HWY 380, we specialize in numerous types of weapons for repairs, refinishing and modification.
DareingArms LLC is about making something custom suited to your needs without breaking the bank. Want something with your company logo or a custom one of a kind model in orange tiger stripe? Or perhaps just a simple black rifle for hunting. Whatever the need is, we want to meet it. Our company goal is to constantly improve our products and give each customer the ability to have something truly custom.
All custom builds, gunsmithing and refinishing work carries a warranty for the life of the firearm upon completion of the work desired. We take a high level of pride in our products and are always working to improve them on a daily basis, if you have any suggestions on possible improvements we would like to hear them. Your feedback helps us create a better product not only for you but for any future customers.

Bruce Dareing
Bruce is a Disabled US Navy Veteran and has been working on multiple types of weapons systems, firearms, missle defense systems, electronics and robotics for over 20 years.
Contact Email is

Jennifer Dareing
President / CEO
Jenny is the owner & manager of DareingArms LLC.
Email contact is

Jaclyn Dareing
Electrial engineer and Sparkle enthusiast
Jaclyn has been a part of our company since 2014. A valued and enthusiastic employee that provides unparalled dedication to doing what she loves.

Aria Dareing
Complaint Dept
A recent addition but now an indispensable and integral part of the company.

Gunsmithing Assistant
Start your next project!
DareingArms LLC
2141 Collins RD.
Suite# 902
Denton, Tx 76208
Business hours:
Appointment ONLY